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A venture into a new fantasy world

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Idea developed by Francisco Aureliano

Welcome to The Chronicles of Xivra! Dive into an adventure where magic intertwines with the fate of forgotten worlds. Here, we will explore together the stories of brave heroes and ancient mysteries through a series of novels that promise to take you on an unforgettable journey. Stay tuned for previews, exclusive commentary, and of course, the possibility of purchasing each volume of this exciting saga. Join us every step of this epic journey, where each page brings you closer to the secrets of Xivra.

World of Albrana

Welcome to Albrana, a world where magic and mystery merge with reality. This fascinating setting is where the stories of “The Chronicles of Xivra” will unfold. Albrana is home to ancient civilizations and hidden enigmas, waiting to be discovered by those brave enough to explore its untamed lands and majestic cities. A realm of contrasts, where the forces of light and darkness fight for dominance, and the fate of many depends on forgotten prophecies. Join us on this epic journey through a vibrant world, where every corner promises new adventures and every shadow may hide secrets from the past.


  • Vast Forests: Like the forest surrounding Silverbrook, many settlements in Albrana would be connected by vast expanses of trees, home to creatures and legends.

  • Mountains and Hills: To the north or east there may be a mountain range known as “The Everpeaks,” which protects the valley and is a source of minerals and resources.

  • Main River: A large river, called the “Shining River,” meanders through the valley, connecting Silverbrook to other larger villages, castles, and towns.

  • Plains and Fields : To the south, extensive farmland and grazing lands that feed the region and sustain its economy.

Port and Coast: In the western part of Albrana, a major port on the coast, called “Starport” , serves as a point of trade and contact with regions beyond the sea.



Albrana es un mundo antiguo y místico, conocido por su rica historia de magia y conflicto. Originalmente, fue un lugar de confluencia para diversas razas mágicas y humanos, cada uno aportando sus propias tradiciones y conocimientos a una sociedad en constante evolución.


Sin embargo, la armonía se vio amenazada por el surgimiento de poderosas facciones que buscaban controlar las fuentes mágicas de Albrana. A través de los siglos, Albrana ha sido el escenario de innumerables batallas por el poder, intrigas políticas y alianzas frágiles, todo bajo la sombra de antiguas profecías que predicen un evento cataclísmico que podría alterar el destino del mundo conocido.


In Albrana’s rich spiritual tapestry, religious diversity manifests itself in a vast pantheon of deities, reflecting the complexity and depth of its cultures. The polytheistic structure of the world is as varied as its inhabitants, with numerous gods ruling from the heavenly realms, each worshipped by different sects and in different forms across the world. Meticulously detailed in various game products, these gods and their churches offer deep insight into the spiritual forces that influence Albrana. While the variety of beliefs is wide, in the regions dominated by humans, three deities stand out as the most revered, forming a central core in the religious lives of most humans. These three main gods are honored not only for their power and influence, but also for the sacred stories and doctrines that guide the faithful in their daily lives, from birth to death, in every celebration and every tribulation.

Common Language (Albranese)

It is the main language spoken throughout Albrana, used for trade, diplomacy and everyday relations between towns and cities.

It has roots in an ancient human language mixed with elven influences due to centuries of coexistence and contact with other races.

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Races of Albrana

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Silvanus of the forest

Humanos. Los humanos de Albrana son conocidos por su resiliencia y versatilidad. Con civilizaciones extendidas a lo largo de diversas geografías, destacan en su capacidad para adaptarse y prosperar bajo cualquier circunstancia.

Elfos. Los elfos, seres de elegancia innata, viven en armonía con la naturaleza profunda de Albrana. Su longevidad y habilidades mágicas los hacen guardianes de antiguos secretos y protectores de los bosques milenarios.

Semielfos. Nacidos de la unión entre humanos y elfos, los semielfos heredan cualidades de ambos linajes. Dotados de una adaptabilidad única, suelen encontrarse en el cruce de culturas, enriqueciendo la diversidad de Albrana con su doble herencia.

Zkarith: Los Guardianes del Pantano.  A pesar de su imponente apariencia y fuerza de lagarto, los Zkarith son seres de gran corazón. 

Aquamantos. Los Aquamantos son seres anfibios que habitan en las aguas de Albrana. Su sabiduría sobre los misterios del agua les otorga poderes únicos de hechicería y un rol de mediadores en conflictos entre razas.

Nimianos. Pequeños y ágiles, los Nimianos son maestros de la tecnología y la ingeniería. Su capacidad para fusionar magia y mecánica hace de ellos innovadores cruciales en el desarrollo de Albrana.

Silvanos. Los Silvanos son seres hechos de piedra y vegetación, con la habilidad de mimetizarse perfectamente con el entorno natural. Durante el día, pueden parecer estatuas cubiertas de musgo y enredaderas, mientras que por la noche cobran vida. Son custodios del conocimiento ancestral y guardianes de los lugares sagrados de Albrana, poseen una profunda conexión espiritual con la tierra que les permite comunicarse con otros seres a través de la red de raíces y suelos del bosque.

The Magic in Albarna

In Albrana, magic is not just a tool or artifact of power; it is a vital aspect of existence itself. Here, magic emanates from the Essence of Albrana, a mystical flow of energy that runs throughout the planet, visible only to those trained in the arcane arts.

Sources of Magic: The Essence of Albrana manifests in various forms, depending on the location and races that use it. It can emanate from ancient springs, mines of magical crystals, ancient forests, or even particular astral alignments.

Each source grants its users distinct abilities, causing magical practice to vary significantly from region to region.

Practitioner of Magic: Practitioners of magic, known as Arcana, are individuals who have learned to channel the Essence through intense study or spiritual revelations. These Arcana may specialize in different disciplines:

  • Elemental Magic: Manipulates the basic elements of nature: fire, water, air and earth.

  • Spiritual Magic: Allows communication and pacts with spirits of the natural world or ancestors.

  • Creation Magic: Focused on the creation of magical objects or the alteration of matter.

  • Healing Magic: Used to heal wounds and illnesses, restoring the body's natural balance.

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Blog of the Chronicles of Xivra

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